Friday, July 10, 2009

Oww, Ooh and Ahh

I had a weekend of contradictions.

The Oww -- I hurt my back lifting something I shouldn't have, getting ready for our company to arrive. I felt a twinge which got increasingly worse. So, as I am at the doctor's office lying on his table crying in pain, not able to get up, my company is calling to tell me they have arrived! The doctor urged me to go to the ER for some heavy-duty meds, but I refused. I have things to do! I quickly realized that I couldn't even drive, so Bryan and Jim came to my rescue at the doctor's office and got me over to the physical therapist. After 3 sessions and a week of taking it easy I am up and about.
There I was flat on my back, while my guests fended for themselves, they were so much help. I wasn't much of a hostess, but when you are in that amount of pain you quickly take any help you can get!

The Ooh and Ahh --After several days, I was talked into a boat ride to see the fireworks --they were amazing! the night was cool and the fireworks were spectacular! Glad, I didn't miss them. The boat ride gave me a bit of a relapse. But it was a good memory with the kids.

1 comment:

Wenderina said...

Ouch! Sorry to hear it...but glad you are on the mend.